BetaGuard PM 3.0

Available from MSI/ Mechanical Systems Inc
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At Mechanical Systems, Inc. we are experts at manufacturing, building, installing and certifying our BetaGuard particulate monitors. Our BetaGuard PM 3.0 has dual beta sensors, built-in redundancies, isokinetic flow sampling and dry and wet basis measurement capabilities. It features heated dilution air, built-in lightning surge protection and a simplified filter tape replacement system. The BetaGuard PM has numerous DAS interface capabilities. The fully functional remote display allows for remote access and operation of the monitor.

Engineered for improved performance, the new BetaGuard PM 3.0™ represents the latest advancement in system design. New advanced hardware features and completely redesigned system control software are based on over two million operating hours and over 10 years' experience continuously monitoring particulate emissions from a variety of plant stacks across the country. The software is even more user-friendly than before. Prior pre-set alarm levels are now user definable. Daily calibrations of the mass and flow measurement are now faster leading to more data availability. ACA and SVA results are stored in the PLC memory for electronic retrieval. The faster processor in the ControlLogix PLC has increased the accuracy and repeatability of all timing sequences within the monitor's operating system leading to more stable beta attenuation measurements. The new PLC and system program increases the monitor's accuracy, reliability, and operability.

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