Vishay Americas, Inc.

One Greenwich Place
Shelton, CT 06484-4618

About Vishay Americas, Inc.

Vishay has market shares ranging from substantial to number-one for each of its products. Specific product rankings include the following:

Discrete Semiconductors
Number 1 worldwide in low-voltage power MOSFETs
Number 1 worldwide in rectifiers
Number 1 worldwide in glass diodes
Number 1 worldwide in infrared components
...and others

Passive Components
Number 1 worldwide in wirewound and other power resistors
Number 1 worldwide in foil, MELF, thin film, and current sense resistors
Number 1 worldwide in wet tantalum capacitors
Number 1 worldwide in strain gage sensors and load cells
...and others

Competitors of Vishay Americas, Inc.

Coperion and K-Tron Merger Provides World Class Expertise in Processing Equipment and Systems Engineering. Two global leaders have pooled their expertise to bring you the best in processing equipment and systems engineering. Coperion and K-Tron have joined forces, combining the knowledge, the... Read More

Weighwell provide portable rail scales suitable for static and in-motion (dynamic) train weighing. The Portable Train weigher (PTW) can be installed in any gauge of track and virtually any rail profile in a matter of minutes without the need for expensive or time consuming changes to the track.... Read More

Morse manufactures drum handling equipment including attachments for hoists and lift trucks and various other types of equipment for drum moving, opening, lifting, tilting, pouring, heating, weighing, stacking, and agitating or mixing inside drums. Read More