FLSmidth Krebs

5505 W Gillette Road
Tucson, AZ 85743-9501

About FLSmidth Krebs

For over 55 years, FLSmidth Krebs has worked with an unrelenting focus on customer satisfaction and technical excellence which has resulted in an exceptional reputation for innovative engineering, quality products and unmatched service.

Krebs joined the FLSmidth group of companies in 2007 and is now operating as FLSmidth Krebs offering the most complete line of materials of any cyclone manufacturer and providing a performance edge that’s hard to beat.

Focusing on correct design, selection, and application, FLSmidth Krebs utilizes the best materials to optimize equipment for your particular application. Our high quality hydrocyclones and pumps create finer separations, higher capacities, require less downtime, and help reduce maintenance costs.

Rely on proven brand names like Krebs® gMAX® hydrocyclones and Krebs® millMAX™ severe-duty slurry pumps to complement your equipment and complete your process flowsheet.

Competitors of FLSmidth Krebs

US Waste industries

US Waste Industries Inc. is a full-service environmental company specializing in the transportation and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. With over 150 years of combined experience, we offer comprehensive services including industrial waste disposal, emergency response, remediation,... Read More

Anguil Environmental offers a complete range of air pollution control and water treatment technologies for manufacturing operations. On vapor combustion applications, the company supplies thermal and catalytic oxidizers as well as emission concentrators to abate Volatile Organic Compounds... Read More

EPG Companies Inc.

EPG designs and manufacturers equipment for the landfill, remediation and industrial markets including soil and ground water treatment and monitoring, vapor extraction, air sparging, leachate collection, and other environmental projects. EPG provides separate components or completely integrated... Read More