Blackhawk Technology Company

21w211Hill Avenue
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-4860

About Blackhawk Technology Company

Industry-leading, top-head-drive piston pumps and controllers for landfill leachate, gas-well dewatering, remediation & recovery, elevated-temp landfills, petrochemical, condensate-recovery sump, everyday and tough duty. Pumps any fluid to 800 feet, side-slope,horizontally. Low maintenance, field-serviceable drive motor is above ground, cleanly and safely away from well/sump and fluid being pumped, resulting in extremely dependable, efficient, easy-to-monitor mechanics. No high pressure air or electric power enters well; no fugitive emissions. Pumps to bottom of well or sump. Pneumatic, electric or solar power; will customize to customer conditions.

Competitors of Blackhawk Technology Company

Brown Bear Corp

Brown Bear Corporation is a privately held manufacturing company that builds products for the environmental, pipeline, and utility industries. Trust the 30 years of experience at Brown Bear Corporation for answers to your environmental problems: composting, sludge drying, manure handling,... Read More

EPI Environmental Products Inc. was incorporated in 1991, and since that time, we have been pioneers in developing TDPA (Totally Degradable Plastic Additives), leading the way toward a more sustainable future by addressing the global challenge of plastic waste. We are also a world leader in MSW... Read More

EPG Companies Inc.

EPG designs and manufacturers equipment for the landfill, remediation and industrial markets including soil and ground water treatment and monitoring, vapor extraction, air sparging, leachate collection, and other environmental projects. EPG provides separate components or completely integrated... Read More