Science Traveller International

13029 37th Avenue South / P.O. Box 69007
Seattle, WA 98168-1007

About Science Traveller International

Science Traveller International produces software products for wastewater plant engineering, operations and training.

SASSPro V2 is the latest release of our popular SASSPro series, used by engineering firms, municipal authorities, environmental agencies and training institutes.

Competitors of Science Traveller International

Cyclonaire Corp

Cyclonaire, Corp. manufactures and supplies pneumatic conveying equipment. The Company products include dense, semi-dense and dilute phase equipment systems, bin vents, blower packages, compressors, flow acids, convey line injectors, and proprietary parts. Cyclonaire serves the battery, cement,... Read More

Synetcom is a US manufacturer of industrial wireless 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz SCADA radios, wireless I/O, wireless serial, wireless Ethernet, telemetry RTU radios and industrial radios. Read More