Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT), a global leader in analytical instruments and software, has pioneered chromatography, mass spectrometry, and thermal analysis innovations serving the life, materials, food, and environmental sciences for more than 60 years. Waters Corporation offers the latest... Read More
Established in 1987, HM Digital, Inc. is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that has been recognized worldwide for providing the best values in water testing instrumentation, especially the increasingly popular TDS meter. Our products are co-designed between our Los Angeles office and our... Read More
OI Analytical, now proud to be part of Xylem Inc, provides laboratory analytical instrument design, diligently serving the needs of the world's top laboratories across various sectors with a special focus on environmental analysis. Our comprehensive suite of analytical instruments, including... Read More
By Thermo Scientific Niton Analyzers
The handheld Thermo Scientific Niton XRF analyzer allows the operator to analyze all 26 elements listed in the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 6200 in a single analysis. The instrument is capable of both in situ analysis, for delineating contamination boundaries, and... Read more »