61455 Greenbriar Dr.
Cambridge, OH 43725

About BEG Group LLC

BEG Group LLC sells a biobased/biopreferred erosion/filtration Medium with the registered trade name of Big Switch™ which is a flexible mesh tube sock filled with switchgrass that helps retain sediment & other pollutants so cleaned water can flow through said medium. Use it in place of a silt fence, straw bale barrier, or mulch socks which are known for being detrimental to the environment & livestock.

Competitors of BEG Group LLC


BEG Group LLC sells a biobased/biopreferred erosion/filtration Medium with the registered trade name of Big Switch™ which is a flexible mesh tube sock filled with switchgrass that helps retain sediment & other pollutants so cleaned water can flow through said medium. Use it in place of a silt... Read More