Transmation , Inc.

P.O. Box 837
Everett, WA 98206

Competitors of Transmation , Inc.

Manufacturer of temperature, pressure, and signal standards including: dry-block calibrators, digital thermometers, digital signal calibrators, signal scanners, digital pressure calibrators and systems, deadweight pressure testers, pumps, and software. Read More

Whether you're annealing, sintering, brazing, carburizing, vacuum-treating, thermal spraying, or welding metal parts, Air Products offers high-purity gases, gas handling equipment and technology; international supply capability and - most importantly - unmatched industry experience and technical... Read More

KIN-TEK Analytical, Inc. (KIN-TEK), is the world leader and preferred provider of devices and instrumentation used for creating trace concentration calibration gas standards and complex gas mixtures. KIN-TEK revolutionized permeation tube technology in the 1970’s and further developed to produce... Read More